Thursday, September 17, 2009

Uncle Sam-Aider & Abetter

Jesse at Jesse's Cafe Americain, 25 August 2009, has a Harry Markopolos (HM) interview. HM exposed the Bernie Madoff fraud about eight years before the SEC did anything about it, link: HM "said that all the members of his team feared for their lives during the long investigation and he for more reason than any of the others because of his visibility. He was the one who was submitting all the complaints each year, and he knew that any leak from the SEC could make him a marked man", my emphasis. HM worried about SEC leaks. Why? Are leaks the SEC's and DOJ's modus operandi when dealing with "troublesome" third parties like HM? HM "says that there were SEC lawyers who were 'in bed with Madoff'." No! Next HM will claim the SDNY US attorney's office is a cesspool of corruption. Whocoudanode?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness Harry Markopolos became a star... (a belated star).

Hopefully it will encourage others to come forward... ... markets work on confidence... confidence comes from the believing you benefit from telling the truth.

SDNY? Ah... just guys from the boros looking for the big money meal ticket with BigLaw.

I hope you don't imagine they would be inspired by prosecutorial zeal?